two date functions
More times I needed a function that returns specific date of current years or specific date of current month.
I wrote two functions that solve this request:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.this_month_day(integer) RETURNS date LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select (date_trunc('month', current_date) + ($1 - 1) * interval '1 day')::date $function$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.this_year_day(integer, integer) RETURNS date LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select (date_trunc('year', current_date) + ($1 - 1) * interval '1 month' + ($2-1) * interval '1day')::date $function$; postgres=# select this_year_day(7,15); this_year_day --------------- 2013-07-15 (1 row) postgres=# select this_month_day(15); this_month_day ---------------- 2013-07-15 (1 row)