I found a following code on net. It's good example of bad code (written by PHP coder):
01.CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION delete_data(IN data integer[]) RETURNS integer AS 02.--DECLARATION OF FUNCTION 03.$$ 04.DECLARE 05.--DECLARATION OF LOCAL VARIABLES 06.sql varchar; 07.i integer; 08.BEGIN 09.--START OF THE PROCEDURE 10.i := 0; 11.loop 12.--LOOP THROUGH AOUR ARRAY OF DATA 13.if (data[i][1] IS NULL) then 14.return 1; 15.--IF WE LOOPED THROUG ALL OF ARRAY, IT'S DONE 16.exit; 17.end if; 18.sql := 'DELETE FROM data_table WHERE data_table.id='||data[i]; 19.--THE SQL ITSELF, COMBINED WITH VARIABLE 20.execute(sql); 21.--THE EXECUTE FUNCTION BUILT IN PL/pgSQL, EXECUTES VARCHAR SQLs 22.i := i + 1; 23.end loop; 24.--END OF THE PROCEDURE 25. 26.END; 27.--END OF FUNCTION'S LOGIC 28. 29.$$ 30.LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; 31.--DECLARATION OF LANGUAGE USEDwhat is wrong:
- using a dynamic SQL - really, there cannot be a dynamic SQL
- this code is cryptographic - It needs big fantasy to see iteration over array in this code
- inconsistency - keywords, useless braces in IF statement (PL/pgSQL isn't PHP)
- useless return value - not handled case, when input array is empty
01.CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION delete_data(IN data integer[]) 02.RETURNS void AS $$ 03.BEGIN 04. FOR i IN array_lower(data,1)..array_upper(data,1) 05. LOOP 06. DELETE FROM data_table WHERE data_table.id = data[i]; 07. END LOOP; 08.END; 09.$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;or better (if you like procedures and dislike SQL in your app. code) (inpiration by Thermic):
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION delete_data(data integer[]) RETURNS void AS $$ DELETE FROM data_table WHERE data_table.id = ANY($1) $$ LANGUAGE sql;note: you can use a plpgsql or sql. Both environments has a few advantages and disadvantages. For using in web environments I little bit prefer SQL language (when it's called once per session, when size of input array can be significantly different).
Not only is that an excellent example of bad code, it's actually it's poor practice to use PL/pgSQL at all in this case, the right way is to just use plain SQL:
ReplyDeleteDELETE FROM data_table WHERE data_table.id = ANY ( ? );
That's it. Bind an array to ? in your app, execute and you're done.
Here's an example running through it:
thormick=> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE data_table ( id int );
thormick=> \copy data_table from stdin
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
thormick=> SELECT * FROM data_table;
SELECT * FROM data_table;
(4 rows)
thormick=> DELETE FROM data_table WHERE data_table.id = ANY ( ARRAY[1,3]::INT[] );
thormick=> SELECT * FROM data_table;
SELECT * FROM data_table;
(1 row)
[to thermic] - yes, you has true
ReplyDelete"# using a dynamic SQL - really, there cannot be a dynamic SQL"
ReplyDeleteSo, what do you do if you have a dynamic search? Sometimes it will be on the format:
FROM table x
WHERE x.id = ?
and sometimes it's on the format
FROM table x
INNER JOIN table y ON ..
INNER JOIN table z ON ..
WHERE x.id = ?
AND z.value = ?
This is a simple example, so you could get away with running two different SQL-statements, but what do you do if you have for instance 20 different input fields for the search?
to christian
ReplyDeletea) My personal opinion on dynamic search is negative - this is badly designed application.
b) if you need, you can use a trick (probably with dynamic sql) - so empty value means - don't use this value for searching
EXECUTE '...WHERE column1 = $1 or $1 is null
AND column2 = $2 or $2 is null
... '
USING var1, var2
This is safe to SQL injection and readable.
To Pavel Stěhule:
ReplyDeleteI wasn't saying you should string concatenate user input into your SQL statements. As (I think) you can see from my example, I would be using prepared statements. It would be just as safe from SQL-injection.
Your example would mean you are relying on the optimizer and putting a higher strain on the database.
In an optimal world, I wouldn't use dynamic SQL either, but I can't really see how you can avoid it without ending up with much slower SQL-statements.
If you look at my example again:
FROM table x
WHERE x.id = ?
and sometimes it's on the format
FROM table x
INNER JOIN table y ON ..
INNER JOIN table z ON ..
WHERE x.id = ?
AND z.value = ?
Let us say that table y has a bazillion rows... and you only rarily searched for z.value, don't you think it would be a waste going through both table y and z every time you did that search?
Another option is to write SQL statements for the border cases, but that doesn't work when you have searches with let's say 10 fields. You would have to write something like 10! (10*9*...*2*1= 3628800) different SQL statements, or join in all the tables all the time and hope the optimizer is perfect. Which it isn't. Or, atleast, it isn't in Postgres 8.3 which we are running.
Obviously someone who hasn't heard Quassnoi's click (http://explainextended.com/2009/06/21/click/)!
ReplyDeleteIt ain't easy making the leap from procedurally- to set-based thinking. I speak from experience! :)