new bugfix release of plpgsql_check
Last week I fixed some critical bugs on profiler integrated to plpgsql_check.
Now, integrated profiler is tested on real bigger project.
Some notes about PostgreSQL
Last week I fixed some critical bugs on profiler integrated to plpgsql_check.
Postgres has not global variables for PLpgSQL. This week I worked for one customer who had emulation of global variables based on temporary tables.
, pg_attribute
tables can bloat, and these functions are slower and slower. So don't use it. There are alternative, much better solution, based on custom configuration variables:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setvar(_varname text, _value text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql 1 AS $function$ 2 begin 3 create temporary table if not exists variables(varname text unique, value text); 4 insert into variables (varname, value) values(_varname, _value) on conflict (varname) do update set value = _value; 5 end; 6 $function$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getvar(_varname text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql 1 AS $function$ 2 begin 3 return (select value from variables where varname = _varname); 4 exception when others then 5 return null; 6 end; 7 $function$
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setvar2(_varname text, _value text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql 1 AS $function$ 2 begin 3 perform set_config('variables.' || _varname, _value, false); 4 end 5 $function$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.getvar2(_varname text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql 1 AS $function$ 2 begin 3 return current_setting('variables.' || _varname, true); 4 end; 5 $function$
explain analyze select setvar('x' || (random()*10)::int, 'value' || random()*10000) from generate_series(1,10000); +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | QUERY PLAN | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Function Scan on generate_series (cost=0.00..287.50 rows=1000 width=4) (actual time=1.785..256.857 rows=10000 loops=1) | | Planning Time: 0.169 ms | | Execution Time: 258.202 ms | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (3 řádky) explain analyze select getvar('x' || (random()*10)::int) from generate_series(1,10000); +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | QUERY PLAN | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Function Scan on generate_series (cost=0.00..275.00 rows=1000 width=32) (actual time=3.898..214.040 rows=10000 loops=1) | | Planning Time: 0.101 ms | | Execution Time: 215.405 ms | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (3 řádky) explain analyze select setvar2('x' || (random()*10)::int, 'value' || random()*10000) from generate_series(1,10000); +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | QUERY PLAN | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Function Scan on generate_series (cost=0.00..287.50 rows=1000 width=4) (actual time=1.724..86.223 rows=10000 loops=1) | | Planning Time: 0.140 ms | | Execution Time: 87.590 ms | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (3 řádky) explain analyze select getvar2('x' || (random()*10)::int) from generate_series(1,10000); +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | QUERY PLAN | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Function Scan on generate_series (cost=0.00..275.00 rows=1000 width=32) (actual time=1.648..33.300 rows=10000 loops=1) | | Planning Time: 0.106 ms | | Execution Time: 34.639 ms | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (3 řádky)
I fixed some issues and pspg can be used on Solaris too. I found some issues on Solaris side on utf8 support - but it is related just for subset of chars. Due this issues, don't use
unicode borders.