Thursday, April 18, 2019

new release of plpgsql_check - possibility to check SQL injection issue

Yesterday I released next version of plpgsql_check.

With this release a developer can check some well known patterns of SQL injection vulnerabilities. The code of stored procedures of native languages like PL/SQL, T-SQL or PL/pgSQL is secure, and there is not a risk of SQL injection until dynamic SQL is used (the EXECUTE command in PL/pgSQL). The safe programming requires sanitization of all string variables. Anybody can use functions: quote_literal, quote_ident or format. This check can be slow, so it should be enabled by setting security_warnings parameter:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.foo1(a text)
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
DECLARE result text;
  -- secure
  -- secure
  EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_literal(a) INTO result;
  -- secure
  EXECUTE format('SELECT %L', a) INTO result;
  -- unsecure
  EXECUTE 'SELECT ''' || a || '''' INTO result;
  -- unsecure
  EXECUTE format(e'SELECT \'%s\'', a) INTO result;
  RETURN result;

postgres=# select * from plpgsql_check_function('foo1');
│ plpgsql_check_function │
(0 rows)

postgres=# select * from plpgsql_check_function('foo1', security_warnings => true);
│                           plpgsql_check_function                            │
│ security:00000:11:EXECUTE:text type variable is not sanitized               │
│ Query: SELECT 'SELECT ''' || a || ''''                                      │
│ --                           ^                                              │
│ Detail: The EXECUTE expression is SQL injection vulnerable.                 │
│ Hint: Use quote_ident, quote_literal or format function to secure variable. │
│ security:00000:13:EXECUTE:text type variable is not sanitized               │
│ Query: SELECT format(e'SELECT \'%s\'', a)                                   │
│ --                                     ^                                    │
│ Detail: The EXECUTE expression is SQL injection vulnerable.                 │
│ Hint: Use quote_ident, quote_literal or format function to secure variable. │
(10 rows)

Thanks to Adam Bartoszewicz's work, this extension compiled for MS Windows is available