Monday, April 10, 2017

Orafce and plpgsql_check are ready for PostgreSQL 10

Small note: All regress tests of and passed on PostgreSQL 10.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

How to find unindexed foreign keys

Often performance issue is missing index on foreign keys. With few queries is very simple to find foreign keys without index:

  1. Create a demo:
    create table a(id serial primary key, v text);
    create table b(id serial primary key, id_a integer references a(id), v text);
  2. Create auxiliary functions:
    -- returns a subset of column names specified by their nums in array
    create or replace function attnames(oid, smallint[])
    returns name[] as $$
    select array_agg(attname )
      from (select attname
              from pg_attribute 
             where attrelid = $1 and attnum = any($2)
             order by attnum) s
    $$ language sql;
    -- ensure safe quoting of column names for usage in SQL
    create or replace function qnames(name[])
    returns text as $$
    select string_agg(v, ',')
      from (select quote_ident(n) v
              from unnest($1) g(n)) s
    $$ language sql;
  3. Following query returns foreign key constraint name, table name and related columns:
    select conname, conrelid::regclass, attnames(conrelid, conkey) 
      from pg_constraint
     where contype = 'f';
    │   conname   │ conrelid │ attnames │
    │ b_id_a_fkey │ b        │ {id_a}   │
    (1 row)
  4. We can check if any attnames from this result are covered by some index:
    select conname, conrelid::regclass, attnames(conrelid, conkey)
      from pg_constraint
     where contype = 'f'
       and not exists (select *
                         from pg_index
                        where indrelid = conrelid
                          and attnames(conrelid,conkey) = attnames(conrelid, indkey::smallint[]));
    -- list of foreign keys without index
    │   conname   │ conrelid │ attnames │
    │ b_id_a_fkey │ b        │ {id_a}   │
    (1 row)
  5. Next step can be generating CREATE INDEX commands:
    select format('create index on %s(%s)',
                   qnames(attnames(conrelid, conkey)))
      from pg_constraint
     where contype = 'f'
       and not exists (select *
                         from pg_index
                        where indrelid = conrelid
                          and attnames(conrelid,conkey) = attnames(conrelid, indkey::smallint[]));
    │         format          │
    │ create index on b(id_a) │
    (1 row)
  6. Inside modern psql we can execute last query with \gexec command, that ensures executing result too.
Small note about placeholders symbols in format function. We should to use %I for SQL identifiers to be result correctly escaped.
select format('(1):%I, (2):%s', 'BadTableName', 'BadTableName');
│                format                │
│ (1):"BadTableName", (2):BadTableName │
(1 row)
This case is exception, because I use casting from Oid to regclass, that enforce correct escaping. Two times escaping can produce wrong result. So %I cannot be used here.
create table "BadName"(a int);

select '"BadName"'::regclass::oid;
│  oid  │
│ 16419 │
(1 row)

select 16419::regclass;
│ regclass  │
│ "BadName" │
(1 row)

postgres=# select format('%I, %s', 16419::regclass, 16419::regclass);
│          format          │
│ """BadName""", "BadName" │
(1 row)