Using a custom composite types in PostgreSQL
I like a custom composite types - in PL/pgSQL. I don't use a composite types in tables ever. There is a risk of some issues with composite types on client side - a client language drivers usually doesn't work simply with custom composite types - so I use it only on server side. This functionality allow me to build simply simple OOP system, that it is enough strong for implementation some not trivial application:
I declare a composite type and auxiliary constructors:
CREATE TYPE foo_type AS (name text, size numeric, description text); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public._foo_type(name text DEFAULT NULL::text, size numeric DEFAULT 0.0, description text DEFAULT NULL::text) RETURNS foo_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE r foo_type; BEGIN =; r.size = _foo_type.size; r.description = _foo_type.description; IF COALESCE(name, '') = '' OR size IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'mandatory field (name or size) is empty'; END IF; IF size < 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'size is negative'; END IF; RETURN r; END; $function$;Own constructors should to cross a limited functionality - custom composite types doesn't support default values and CHECK constraints. Both should be placed in constructors.
postgres=# SELECT _foo_type(name := 'Trumpeta'); _foo_type ───────────────── (Trumpeta,0.0,) (1 row) Time: 3.820 ms postgres=# SELECT _foo_type(size := 175, name := 'Trumpeta'); _foo_type ───────────────── (Trumpeta,175,) (1 row) Time: 1.014 ms postgres=# SELECT _foo_type(size := -1, name := 'Trumpeta'); ERROR: size is negative Time: 0.877 ms postgres=# SELECT _foo_type(); ERROR: mandatory field (name or size) is empty Time: 1.160 msI like a named parameters - code is much more self documented, and I removed a risk of swapped parameters. Later I implement a custom casting methods (functions) - sometimes I join it with postgres custom casting:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.cast_to_xml(foo_type) RETURNS xml LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ SELECT xmlforest($ AS "Name", $1.size AS "Size", $1.description AS "Description") $function$; CREATE CAST (foo_type AS xml) WITH FUNCTION cast_to_xml(foo_type); postgres=# SELECT _foo_type(name := 'Trumpeta')::xml; _foo_type ────────────────────────────────────────────────── <Name>Trumpeta</Name><Size>0.0</Size> (1 row)I don't like use a custom types in tables - so I need a functionality for merging to table type and casting from table type:
CREATE TABLE boo ( alfa text, beta text, name text NOT NULL CHECK(name <> ''), size numeric NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0 CHECK (size >= 0), description text DEFAULT NULL ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.merge(boo, foo_type) RETURNS boo LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ BEGIN $ := $; $1.size := $2.size; $1.description := $2.description; RETURN $1; END; $function$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.cast_to_foo_type(boo) RETURNS foo_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE r foo_type; BEGIN := $; r.size := $1.size; r.description := $1.description; RETURN r; END; $function$ CREATE CAST (boo AS foo_type) WITH FUNCTION cast_to_foo_type(boo); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public._boo(alfa text, beta text, foo foo_type) RETURNS boo LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE r boo; BEGIN r.alfa := _boo.alfa; r.beta := _boo.beta; r := merge(r, foo); RETURN r; END; $function$Now I can do more usual things with table type boo - insert value or transform to xml:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.new_boo(b boo) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE b boo; BEGIN INSERT INTO boo VALUES((b).*); RETURN b.alfa; END; $function$ postgres=# SELECT new_boo(_boo(alfa := 'XSY',beta := 'JJS', foo := _foo_type(name:='Trumpeta'))); new_boo ───────── XSY (1 row) postgres=# SELECT * FROM boo; alfa │ beta │ name │ size │ description ──────┼──────┼──────────┼──────┼───────────── XSY │ JJS │ Trumpeta │ 0.0 │ [null] (1 row) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cast_to_xml(boo) RETURNS xml AS $$ SELECT xmlelement(NAME "boo", xmlattributes($1.alfa AS "Alfa"), xmlelement(NAME "Beta", $1.beta), $1::foo_type::xml); $$ LANGUAGE sql; CREATE CAST (boo AS xml) WITH FUNCTION cast_to_xml(boo) postgres=# SELECT boo::xml FROM boo; boo ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── <boo Alfa="XSY"><Beta>JJS</Beta><Foo><Name>Trumpeta</Name><Size>0.0</Size></Foo></boo> (1 row)With described conventions and patterns I was able to implement and simply manage complex stored procedures centric system that implements a number portability between N telco operators.
Second advantage of this code - it is robust and resistant to addition any column anywhere. I newer use a INSERT statement from application, so it is easy and safe to modify database schema.