Change a unknown record's field in PL/pgSQL
Week ago was a request on stackoverflow about change of composite variable's field by dynamic SQL. I wrote a first very simply solution:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setfield(a anyelement, text, text) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ begin create temp table aux as select $1.*; execute 'update aux set ' || quote_ident($2) || ' = ' || quote_literal($3); select into $1 * from aux; drop table aux; return $1; end; $function$It's works, but it's slow and it consumes lot of shared memory (impracticable for repeated using in one transaction). Next version was better - it is faster and isn't hungry:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION x.setfield2(anyelement, text, text) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE _name text; _values text[]; _value text; _attnum int; BEGIN FOR _name, _attnum IN SELECT a.attname, a.attnum FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a WHERE a.attrelid = (SELECT typrelid FROM pg_type WHERE oid = pg_typeof($1)::oid) LOOP IF _name = $2 THEN _value := $3; ELSE EXECUTE 'SELECT (($1).' || quote_ident(_name) || ')::text' INTO _value USING $1; END IF; _values[_attnum] := COALESCE('"' || replace(replace(_value, '"', '""'), '''', '''''') || '"', ''); END LOOP; EXECUTE 'SELECT (' || pg_typeof($1)::text || '''(' || array_to_string(_values,',') || ')'').*' INTO $1; RETURN $1; END; $function$;There are a few slower points: EXECUTE in loop, array's update in loop. But Erwin Brandstetter found a probably best and most simply solution - there are no more ways on PL/pgSQL level.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.setfield3(anyelement, text, text) RETURNS anyelement AS $body$ DECLARE _list text; BEGIN _list := ( SELECT string_agg(x.fld, ',') FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN a.attname = $2 THEN quote_literal($3) ELSE quote_ident(a.attname) END AS fld FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a WHERE a.attrelid = (SELECT typrelid FROM pg_type WHERE oid = pg_typeof($1)::oid) ORDER BY a.attnum ) x ); EXECUTE ' SELECT ' || _list || ' FROM (SELECT $1.*) x' USING $1 INTO $1; RETURN $1; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;There is no PL/pgSQL's loop and there is just one EXECUTE. More - this code is just simple - without lot of string (quoting) operations.
Update: last Ervin' superfast version
CREATE FUNCTION f_setfield(INOUT _comp_val anyelement, _field text, _val text) RETURNS anyelement AS $func$ BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || array_to_string(ARRAY( SELECT CASE WHEN attname = _field THEN '$2' ELSE '($1).' || quote_ident(attname) END AS fld FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = pg_typeof(_comp_val)::text::regclass AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = FALSE ORDER BY attnum ), ',') USING _comp_val, _val INTO _comp_val; END $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;Very nice, Erwin!
Labels: plpgsql, postgresql