SQL/PSM runtime
I enhanced a PLPSM executor engine to show a more informations when exception is raised. Now PLPSM has same and maybe better error processing than PL/pgSQL. - Almost all code coming from PL/pgSQL. Still, there are lot of work - mainly about exception trapping.
pavel=# \sf fib CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fib(n integer) RETURNS double precision LANGUAGE psm0 AS $function$xxx:begin declare f1 double precision default 0.0; declare f2 double precision default 1.0; declare cnt int default 1; while cnt <= n do set (f2, f1, cnt) = (f1 + f2, f2, cnt + 1); end while; return f2; end; $function$ pavel=# select fib(1000); fib ─────────────────────── 7.03303677114228e+208 (1 row) Time: 16.680 ms pavel=# select fib(2000); ERROR: value out of range: overflow CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT ($2 + $3)::double precision,($3)::double precision,($4 + 1)::integer" PLPSM function "fib" Oid 604602 line 6 4 declare cnt int default 1; 5 while cnt <= n do 6 set (f2, f1, cnt) = (f1 + f2, f2, cnt + 1); 7 end while; 8 return f2; Local variables: 0 fib.$1 integer = 2000 0 fib.n integer = 2000 1 xxx.f1 double precision = 8.07763763215622e+307 2 xxx.f2 double precision = 1.3069892237634e+308 3 xxx.cnt integer = 1476